Keep Asana in sync via Automations
Customize how your actions in Sunsama will update your tasks inside Asana.
Asana automations let you control how your tasks in Asana should be updated when you import or complete a task.
How to use
Import Automations · 0:29
Import automations control how Sunsama updates your Asana tasks, inside Asana, when you import an Asana task into Sunsama. The automations you select will apply to tasks in all of your projects.
Assign to me in Asana · 0:29
If toggled on, Sunsama will add you as the assignee on the Asana task upon import.
Assign to channel · 1:40
If toggled on, you can further control how Sunsama auto-assigns a channel to imported tasks.
- Assign channel based on project · 2:26: If toggled on, Sunsama will set the channel of the imported task based on the Asana project. You can configure how Asana projects and channels are connected from your channel edit menu.
- Assign to the same channel · 3:07: If toggled on, any task imported into Sunsama will always get assigned to whatever channel you have selected in the left hand channel list.
Completion Automations · 3:30
Completion automations control how Sunsama updates your Asana tasks, inside Asana, when you check off an imported task inside Sunsama. The automations you select will apply to tasks in all of your projects.
Complete in Asana · 3:33
If toggled on, the task will be marked as complete in Asana when you check off the task in Sunsama.
Show prompt to update the section in Asana · 5:09
If toggled on, Sunsama will ask you which section you'd like to move the task to upon completing it. This is useful for making sure tasks move from a "In Progress" to "Completed" list inside Asana.
- Note: this prompt will only show for tasks in projects with multiple sections, and only if the Board layout is your default layout in Asana.
Best practices
- If you want to configure how channels map to Asana projects, you can do that from the channel edit menu PS- this only works if assign to channel automation is toggled OFF. · See that in practice here.
Updated about 2 months ago