Keep ClickUp in sync via Automations
Customize how your actions in Sunsama will update your tasks inside ClickUp and vice-versa.
ClickUp Automations let you control how your tasks in ClickUp should be updated when you take actions inside Sunsama like checking off the task or importing the task. You can also configure how actions taken in ClickUp will update tasks inside Sunsama.
How to use
Import Automations · 0:29
Import automations control how Sunsama updates your ClickUp tasks, inside ClickUp, when you import a card into Sunsama. The automations you select will apply to cards in all of your boards.
- Assign to me: If toggled on, Sunsama will add you as an assignee on the ClickUp task upon import.
- Show prompt to update status in ClickUp: If toggled on, Sunsama will ask you to update the ClickUp task's "status" as soon as you pull the task in. This is useful for making sure tasks move along from "To do" to "Doing" statuses, for example.
Completion Automations · 1:23
Completion automations control how Sunsama updates your ClickUp tasks, inside ClickUp, when you check off an associated task inside Sunsama. The automations you select will apply to cards in all of your boards.
- Show prompt to update status in ClickUp: If toggled on, Sunsama will ask you to update the ClickUp task's "status" as soon as you mark it complete. This is useful for making sure tasks move along from "Doing" to "Done" statuses.
Sync Automations · 1:51
Sync automations control which fields get synced in both directions between Sunsama and ClickUp. Most users will want to turn both of these on.
- Change due date: If you change the due date of the associated Sunsama task, the ClickUp task will be updated as well. If you change the due date of a task inside ClickUp and it's been imported into Sunsama, the Sunsama tasks due date will be updated.
- Mark as complete: If you check off the Sunsama task, the task will be marked complete in ClickUp. If you check off the task in ClickUp, the Sunsama task will be marked complete.
Best practices
- Most people will want all their sync automations turned on.
Updated 4 months ago