Tasks: the basics

Please watch the video below for an overview of the basic behaviors and features of Sunsama tasks.

Task overview

Tasks are the building blocks of your Sunsama. They represent the things you plan to work on every day. They can come from many sources and they can be timed, scheduled, and completed.

Task properties

Tasks have several properties including:

  • Notes: use this section of a task to write notes that help you organize your thoughts and your progress of the task. The notes of a task can have rich text formatting.
  • Subtasks: use subtasks to break a task into smaller parts. Subtasks can be timed and completed.
  • Planned time: the estimated amount of time you plan to work on this task today.
  • Actual time: the actual amount of time you spend on the task. This can be logged manually, automatically, or by using the task timer.
  • Channel: assign channels to tasks to organize them into categories. Channels will be explained in a subsequent page of this Basics guide.

Using focus mode

Use Focus Mode to focus on one task at a time. You can do this by hitting F on your keyboard.

Completing tasks

When you are finished with a task, check it off by clicking it's checkmark circle, or with keyboard shortcut C.

Understanding Rollover

Any tasks that are left incomplete will automatically rollover to tomorrow's task list at midnight. This ensures you will not lose tasks that you did not complete; tomorrow you will see yesterday's incomplete tasks in today's task list.

The Archive can be used to "capture" tasks that roll over as incomplete several consecutive days, so these tasks do not clutter up your task lists.

You can tell a task has rolled over if it has a symbol that is a number inside a circle, indicating how many days it has rolled over consecutively.

Check out this beginner's guide to understanding task rollover for more in depth explanation.