Importing events: the basics
Events on your calendar (e.g. work meetings) can be manually or automatically imported to your Sunsama task list. Import events to your task list that are important, work related, or something that you feel you need to check off your to do list.
Import settings
Go to Settings > Calendar > Meeting import to configure your calendar event import settings. These settings are explained in detail on this page.
If the first setting is set to "Show prompt", you'll manually import events to your task list or be prompted to import that day's events during daily planning.
If the first setting is set to "Auto-sync", Sunsama will automatically import all the relevant events to your task list ahead of time.
Meeting import settings
Make sure you have correctly configured these settings, particularly "Include specific event types" so that all the calendar events you want are imported.
Manually importing events
You can always manually import a calendar event by hovering over it in the calendar and clicking "add to tasks".
If you wish to remove an imported event from your task list, right click on it in your task list and click "remove from tasks". If you delete the event via the calendar, the event itself will be deleted.
Automatically importing events
Configure your meeting import settings to automatically import all relevant events, so they are in your task list ahead of time. Refer to the instructions above for how to configure these settings.
What events should be imported?
Work meetings are work, so these should be imported to your task list.
On the other hand, calendar events like "lunch" or a holiday are not work, nor are they things you wouldn't do if they weren't in your task list, so you may exclude those.
In between those two examples are any number of tasks in a gray area that you may or may not want to import to your task list, such as calendar events to pay bills, all day events, meetings you've not yet RSVP'ed to, etc.
Updated 4 months ago