Keep Linear in sync via Automations
Customize how your actions in Sunsama will update your issues in Linear
Linear Automations let you control how you issues in Linear should be updated when you take actions inside Sunsama like importing or completing the task.
How to use · 0:12
Import Automations · 0:44
Show prompt to update status in Linear: If toggled on, Sunsama will ask you to update the Linear issue's "status" right after you import the task. This is useful for making sure issues move along from "To do" to "Doing" statuses, for example.
Completion Automations · 1:19
Show prompt to update status in Linear: If toggled on, Sunsama will ask you to update the Linear issue's "status" as soon as you mark it complete. This is useful for making sure issues move along from "Doing" to "Done" statuses.
Updating Linear issue status when adding via URL
If you add a Linear task via the URL import method (copying and pasting the URL of a Linear issue into the add task modal), you are also able to update the status as you add it.
After pasting the Linear issue URL, select it.
You'll then be able to click "Update status of ... ?", and select a new status for that issue in Linear. When you finish adding the task to Sunsama, the status will be updated.

Updated 5 months ago