Asana Integration
Pull in Asana tasks as you plan your day.
Installation · 0:13
Go to Settings > Asana integration, or open Asana in the right hand panel of your workspace to connect your Asana account(s) to Sunsama. Once in your settings page, click "Add Asana account".
To add multiple Asana accounts, return to this settings page and click "Add Asana account" again.
Browsing and importing tasks
Open Asana in the right hand panel to use the integration (keyboard shortcut Shift S
Changing Asana workspace or account · 1:05
If you have multiple Asana workspaces or accounts connected, switch between them by clicking on the the avatar/profile icon in the top right corner of the integration panel, and selecting another workspace.
Viewing projects · 1:25
Click on the project title at the top of the panel to view different projects. Recently viewed projects will appear at the top. You can also type in the “Project: “ search box to find a project.
Once a project is selected, all of the tasks within that project appear below in order as they would appear in Asana, with the section listed above each task. You can also view just a single section of the project.
Viewing task details
Sunsama provides all of the details of a given task as you have created it in Asana. Simply click on a given task to view details such as assignee, due date, description, etc.
Importing tasks · 2:23
When you are ready to commit to working on a certain Asana task, you can pull it into your plan in Sunsama. There are three ways to pull an Asana task into Sunsama:
- Drag and drop the task from the Asana panel into your Sunsama task list.
- To timebox the task directly, switch to calendar view (keyboard shortcut
and drag and drop the Asana task directly onto your Sunsama calendar at the time you plan to work on it. This will add the task to that day in Sunsama and create a working session on your calendar.) - Click on the task in the Asana panel and click “Add to today” (or hover and hit
) or select a specific date for the task.
Filtering your view · 2:56
If you’ve got a lot of projects and tasks inside Asana, it can be helpful to filter down to your most relevant tasks.
Under the “Filter” dropdown, you can filter, display, and sort your tasks several ways:
Hiding or showing previously imported tasks
- If you want to see Asana tasks that have been previously pulled into Sunsama, click the option which says “Show even if imported”.
Filtering by assignee
Filter by due date
Filter by completion
You can also Filter by subtasks to show subtasks as main parent tasks to import
- By default, Sunsama will show subtasks inside tasks, just as they are displayed in Asana. However, if you would like to view Asana subtasks as individual tasks, select "Show subtasks (only) as tasks". This will show only Asana subtasks in the integration panel, and not the main parent tasks. This will treat Asana subtasks like individual tasks that you can add to your task list.
Sort by due date
- Click the Sort button to optionally sort by due date.
Interacting with imported tasks · 4:32
Once an Asana task is imported into Sunsama, it becomes a Sunsama task, with an embedded Asana task. You can tell which tasks are imported from Asana via the Asana icon on the card. Clicking on this icon (or hovering over the task and hitting G
) will bring you to the task in Asana.
Click on a Sunsama task that's linked to Asana to see a preview of your Asana task embedded inside the Sunsama task.
Your associated Sunsama task acts like a worksheet for your Asana task. Inside your Sunsama task, you can add notes, time tracking information, subtasks, and comments without messing with your Asana task. Use your Sunsama task to track the minutia of the task that your collaborators might not care about inside of Asana.
Keep Asana in sync via automations · 5:00
Import automations · 5:15
Import automations control how Sunsama updates your Asana tasks, inside Asana, when you import an Asana task into Sunsama. The automations you select will apply to tasks in all of your projects.
Assign to me in Asana
If toggled on, Sunsama will add you as the assignee on the Asana task upon import.
Assign to channel
If toggled on, you can further control how Sunsama auto-assigns a channel to imported tasks.
- Assign channel based on project: If toggled on, Sunsama will set the channel of the imported task based on the Asana project. You can configure how Asana projects and channels are connected from your channel edit menu.
- Assign to the same channel: If toggled on, any task imported into Sunsama will always get assigned to whatever channel you have selected in the left hand channel list.
Link Asana project to existing Sunsama channel
Additionally, you can go to Settings > Channels, select any of your Sunsama channels, and link one of your Asana projects to a specific channel. This will ensure any task imported from that project will be assigned to this Sunsama channel
Completion automations · 7:20
Completion automations control how Sunsama updates your Asana tasks, inside Asana, when you check off an imported task inside Sunsama. The automations you select will apply to tasks in all of your projects.
Complete in Asana
If toggled on, the task will be marked as complete in Asana when you check off the task in Sunsama.
Show prompt to update the section in Asana
If toggled on, Sunsama will ask you which section you'd like to move the task to upon completing it. This is useful for making sure tasks move from a "In Progress" to "Completed" list inside Asana.
Automations with multiple Asana accounts
If you have connected more than one Asana account for the integration, know that the automations you configure are specific to each Asana account (though not workspace). This way you can have different automations for your multiple Asana accounts.
Troubleshooting and FAQ
Using a paid versus free Asana plan
You can integrate your Asana account with Sunsama regardless of whether it is a free or paid Asana plan. The only difference in the experience of integrating with a paid versus free plan concerns the accuracy of the search results and sorting in the Asana integration.
Specifically, only a paid Asana plan will utilize Asana's search API. This means when you sort by due date, use search, or try to see tasks as subtasks, you will get a much better set of results if integrating with a paid plan. If they don't have a paid plan, Sunsama will fetch the "latest" 100 tasks and then do the filtering and sorting in Sunsama, which means information or tasks can occasionally be missed compared to what they see in Asana (where you won't experience the search limitations).
Updated 3 months ago