
The archive is where tasks go after they've rolled over multiple days in a row without any completion activity.


Prevent your task list from getting cluttered with stale tasks that keep rolling over.


How to use

Introduction · 0:00

The archive is enabled by default. Once a task has rolled over more than four consecutive days, it will be automatically moved from today's task list to the archive.

When tasks roll into the archive, it's a good time to consider why they ended up there and remedy it. Tasks typically show up in the archive because:

  1. They're not actually that important
  2. Your day has more tasks than you can reasonably accomplish and there's no room for it
  3. You are procrastinating it 😏

Accessing the archive · 0:31

There are three ways you can access the archive:

Changing your archive setting · 0:53

  • You can disable auto-archiving by clicking the toggle switch at the top of the archive panel
  • You can change when things move into the archive by clicking the "N consecutive days" dropdown at the top of the archive panel.

Triaging your archive · 1:50

  • If the task isn't actually important: Delete it or move it to the backlog
  • If it's important but you are procrastinating on it: Add a time estimate, add it to a specific day, and block off time to work on it.

Best practices

  • If you're not sure where a task went, check your archive. You'll see a badge next to the archive icon whenever a new task is archived.
  • If you notice important tasks are getting archived, consider expanding the archive threshold from four days or disabling auto-archive entirely.
  • Consider creating a recurring task called "Review Archive" to remind you to check your archive so you don't lose sight of tasks that end up there.