Daily Highlights
Create an impressive summary of your day that you can preserve for your own records or share with your team.
How to use
To create a daily highlight, start by entering the daily shutdown flow.
The first step of the daily shutdown shows the tasks you worked on today with a simple time breakdown. Click “Next” to generate your daily highlights for this day.

The Highlights section is where you list and summarize your noteworthy work from the day. Some highlights might be auto-included based on Sunsama's ranking algorithm. You can manually include highlights from the “Other activities” section below.
This section should not be used as an exhaustive list of everything you did. Keep it focused on the main highlights and big tasks of the day.
Each highlighted activity can be summarized. When you "include" an item from "Other Activities", Sunsama's AI will try to write a summary of that item based on its activity or notes. Not all activities can be AI summarized. If there's not enough context, the summary will start as blank. You can edit and write your own summaries, or opt to hide the summaries.
Hover over a highlight to bring up the action bar. The action bar lets you:
- Remove: this removes the item from being included in your published version
- Highlight: this “highlights” the item with a star icon
- Hide/show the summary
- Resummarize: Have Sunsama regenerate an AI summary
- Edit the title of the highlight
Drag and drop your highlights in the order you wish to view them. This can be any order you chose. Drag a highlight under another to nest it and create groupings.
Add a highlight: If you find you need to include a highlight that was not in your task list, or need a parent highlight to group others within, click “add a highlight”. This essentially creates a new Sunsama task in that name.
Other activities
This list of items is only visible to you. It’s an exhaustive list of tasks, to dos, items, emails, etc. that Sunsama has tracked activity on during your day via your Sunsama tasks and your integrated tools.
Include items in your Highlights section by hovering over the item and clicking “Include”, or by dragging it into the Highlights section.
Not seeing all your activities?
If you are not seeing items from a particular tool that you use which integrates with Sunsama, make sure you have that integration set up and connected in your Sunsama settings.
If it's your first day generating a daily highlight, Sunsama might not be able to retroactively find all your activity from other tools. For some tools, Sunsama can only start generating your activity data after you enable daily highlights, and won't have historical access.
Personal reflection
The top of your daily highlights can be used to manually write out a reflection of how your day went. This can be a general overview of the workday, mentioning what went well, what you’re concerned about, what obstacles you faced, etc. Use custom Prompts to seed this with a template of text.
Also be sure to select an emoji that captures the vibe of your day!
Once your daily highlight is ready, click “Publish” to save it in Sunsama and post/send it wherever you want, per the destinations you set in your daily highlights settings.
Settings and navigations
The date picker in the top left corner allows you to go to any previous day’s highlights.
The right hand panel shows a simple overview of the (non-private) tasks you worked on, their planned times and your overall planned time, and optionally your actual time per task and for the day. To hide or show your actual time, hover over the Worked/Planned counter and toggle the visibility icon that appears. Hover over your tasks, and click on them, to see their task notes.
The top right corner shows a few buttons:
- Preview: click this to see a preview of how others will see your published version
- Publish: click “publish” when you’re ready to complete, and optionally share, your daily highlights
- Settings: click this to configure:
- Destinations: in addition to saving your highlights in Sunsama, optionally send your highlights to yourself via email, to others via email, and/or to post to Slack or Teams
- Prompts: custom template of prompts to seed your daily highlights. Use this to prompt yourself with reflections questions, quotes, or anything else in the manually written reflection
- Permissions: configure who can view your published daily highlights
Daily highlights
Navigate to "Daily highlights" in the left hand panel to see all your past highlights in a journal-like format.
Click on the name of a daily highlight to open it so you can do the following:
- edit it
- unpublish it (click “Published”). This will turn the highlight back into a draft, but it will not undo the sending or posting of a highlight you emailed or posted to Slack, Teams, etc.
- Share it in a different way. Click the “Share” button. From here you can enter an email address to send your highlights to, copy the markdown of the highlights so you can paste them in another tool you use for communication, or even just copy the link to your highlights and share it directly.
Collaborative workspace
If you are in a collaborative workspace, your teammates’ highlights will be in line with your own in the daily highlights feed. You can view just your own (or any teammate’s) highlights by clicking on the “All teammates” filter button and selecting.
Updated about 2 months ago