Zapier Integration
The Zapier integration is a bit unlike other integrations in Sunsama. To use Sunsama in Zapier, you'll need to add the Sunsama app in your Zapier account's connected apps and will need to generate and use a token in your Sunsama settings to do so. Read on for detailed steps.
Adding Sunsama app to Zapier
First, go to your account in Zapier, or create an account one if you have not already.
- In Zapier, go to your Apps page.
- Click "Add Connection" or use the search bar and type "Sunsama".
- You'll then be prompted to enter your Zapier Token.

Zapier Token
To find your Zapier Token:
- In Sunsama, go to your Settings and navigate to "Zapier" in the very bottom of the left hand panel.
- Click "Create New Zapier Token", and a unique token for your Sunsama workspace will be created above and obscured.
- Click "Copy token".
- Return to Zapier and paste the token.
- Click "Yes, Continue to Sunsama".
Using the integration
Your Sunsama workspace is now connected to the Sunsama app in your Zapier account. You can now use Sunsama as an "action" in your Zaps.
For more info on using and creating Zaps, go to the next page of this help center.
Updated 4 months ago
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