Workspace View
Navigating Sunsama's primary view from which you can see all your tasks, calendars, integrations and access various focused views.
The "Workspace" view or "Kanban" view is the primary interface you'll see inside of Sunsama each day. From this view, you can take all of actions you might take during Daily Planning or Today View without any of the same guidance.
The workspace view has three major components:
- Left hand selection panel: From here you can control the calendars, teammates, channels that are visible. You can also change the date range in view.
- Center panel primary view: This can show your tasks or calendars.
- Right hand panel secondary view: This can show your tasks, calendars, integrations or objectives.
How to use
Left hand selection panel
This is the main navigation panel inside your workspace. When you change contexts/channels, dates, or toggle calendar or teammate visibility it will change what you'll see in the other two panels.
Since you won't be changing these values much throughout the day, you can use the collapse arrow in the top left corner of the center panel to hide this panel. Collapse or expanse the left panel quickly with keyboard shortcut <
Main Menu · 0:54
Sunsama's main menu is available by clicking "Sunsama" in the top left hand corner. Use this dropdown menu to access the many settings for your account and workspace.
Calendar mini-map · 1:20
The calendar mini-map allows you to see the current date in view and also change it. If you need to move your kanban or calendar to a specific date, this is the best and quickest way to do it.
Channel/Context selector · 1:46
The channel and context selector lets you filter down the tasks and objectives in view to a specific channel or context.
- The top header "Channels" and "Manage Channels" allows you to navigate to your channel and context management page.
- Clicking on the header for a specific context will collapse its channels from view.
- Calendar events are never filtered by channel inside the calendar view.
Team section · 2:14
If you are in a collaborative workspace, you'll see a team section.
- Click on "Team" or "Invite teammates" to invite more teammates to your workspace
- Click on teammates to toggle your view of their task columns on and off.
- Hold
when you click on a teammate to toggle just that teammate into view.
Calendar section · 2:46
The calendar section shows all of your integrated calendar accounts.
- Click on any of the calendar account names to go to your Calendar management page.
- The first section of calendars is always your primary account's calendar, that is, the calendar you log into Sunsama with.
- Click on any calendar to toggle on/off your visibility of this calendar in your workspace.
- Hold
when you click to toggle only that calendar into view. - The caret on each calendar item allows you to edit, hide, change the color, and select that calendar.
Center panel / Primary view
The center panel or primary view lets you see your tasks or calendars across a fairly large timespan.
Top row · 3:25
The top row gives you the ability to:
- Collapse the left panel
- Click "Today" to lock today into view
- Toggle whether tasks or calendars are shown in the main panel (keyboard shortcut
In the body of the main panel, you'll either see your tasks in a "Kanban View" or your calendar in a standard calendar view.
Kanban View · 4:16
When you are in the Kanban view, you can:
- Scroll left and right to change the date in view
- Click on the header at the top of a day's column to lock that day into view
- Access the "Plan" and "Reflect" rituals for a certain day from the day's header
- Create a task on a specific day
Calendar view · 5:20
Click on "Calendar" at the top of the workspace or use keyboard shortcut tab
to switch to calendar view. When you are in the calendar view, you can:
- Change the number of days in view
- Navigate weeks from the left/right arrows in the top panel
- Click on a day's header to lock that day and it's tasks into view
Right hand panel
The right hand panel is your secondary view, it allows you to see your calendar or Kanban side by side with each other, your emails, integrated tools, or objectives.
The date in view in the right hand panel is always determined by the calendar mini-map and what's visible in the primary view.
If you need to hide the right panel, you can collapse it with the arrow button in the top right corner, or with keyboard shortcut >
The right hand panel supports a variety of integrations and features. You can follow the links below to learn about each of those.
- Backlog
- Archive
- Weekly Objectives
- Search
- Integrations: Asana, ClickUp, Jira, Trello, Github, Todoist, Notion, Gmail, and Outlook Email
Best practices
- If you are seeing the wrong day in the right hand panel or the wrong week's objectives, check your mini-map.
- If you timebox your tasks, we recommend increasing the zoom level of your calendar from the right hand panel.
- Use the Command Palette or Keyboard Shortcuts to navigate your workspace view faster.
Updated 5 months ago