Categorize your tasks and events into channels like "#growth" or "#exercise".
Categorize your tasks so you can understand where you are allocating your time and better control the privacy of your tasks.
How to use
Creating a channel · 1:30
You can create a channel from by clicking on "Channels" or "Manage Channels" in the left hand menu and then scrolling to the bottom of the list of channels for the currently selected context and clicking "Create a channel".
Configuring a channel · 2:08
- Name: This is the name of the channel, it's what you'll see and interact with. Channels are ordered alphabetically.
- Context: Select the context to nest this channel under. If you don't pick a context, your channel will show up in the "uncategorized" context.
- Private channel: If set to private, only members of this channel will be able to see items that are tagged in this channel. If you are in a private workspace, you won't see this option since everything you do is private by default.
- Default channel: If toggled on, any new tasks created will automatically be tagged into this channel, unless you have selected a channel in your workspace.
- Slack channel: If a Slack channel is selected, Sunsama will publish updates about tasks in this channel directly to this Slack channel. This only shows if you've added the Slack Integration.
- Calendar: Link this channel to a calendar to automatically map tasks to this calendar when you timebox, and automatically assign this channel when you import events from this calendar.
- Asana Project: Automatically assign this Sunsama channel when you import tasks from this Asana project.
- Trello Board:: Automatically assign this Sunsama channel when you import tasks from this Trello board.
- Color: When you drag and drop tasks to the calendar, they will show in their channel's color per your account settings. Graphs and charts that show where you spent your time by channel will also use this color.
Best practices
- Start with fewer channels and add more as you become curious about where you are spending time inside that channel. For example, start with a channel called #customers and then if you really need to know how you are spending your time between customer meetings and customer emails, you might consider creating two new channels.
- If you feel like your tasks have gone missing, double check to make sure you aren't in a channel with no items!
Updated 3 months ago