Weekly Review

The end of week ritual to review your work for the week and reflect on whether you met your objectives.


The weekly review ritual guides you through a reflection of how you are spending your time and whether you are meeting your objectives.


How to use

Setting your weekly review time · 0:05

By default, you'll be prompted to review your week on Friday afternoon via an in-app notification. You can pick a different day and time from your account settings page.

Clicking on this will send you into the weekly review flow which consists of three steps:

Step 1: Review objectives · 0:40

In the first step, you'll see your progress towards your weekly objectives, and a chart showing how much time you spent on objectives vs. other things. This chart should give you a sense for whether you're spending your time in a way that aligns with your objectives.

If you didn't set any objectives for the week, this step will be skipped.

Step 2: Review your body of work · 1:35

In the next step, you'll see a review of your full body of work for the week. This includes all of the work you completed or tracked time on, and a breakdown of how you spent your time by day.

Take a minute to look through your body of work - it should give you a sense of accomplishment!

Step: 3: Journal · 2:43

Sunsama gives you the opportunity to write a small reflection on your work week. Taking a couple minutes to write out your big wins of the week, whether there was something that sucked your time away from your priorities, and what you learned creates a sense of clarity. This is your chance to think critically about the bigger picture. Are you satisfied with how you're spending your time?

Accessing weekly review on demand

If you want to trigger the weekly review on demand, you can do so from the main navigation menu (click "Sunsama" in the top left corner of the app) or from the command palette.


Reviewing past reflections

If you want to see your reflection from a past week, scroll back in your Kanban to the week in question and click on the "Weekly review" task. You will find the reflection embedded in the notes section of the task.


Best practices

  • The weekly review centers around your weekly objectives. To get the most out of your review, make sure you set your objectives at the start of the week during weekly planning, and align your tasks with your objectives!
  • If you work on a team that shares weekly updates, you can click "Post to Slack" to share that directly to Slack. This is a great async alternative to weekly standups.
  • If you want Sunsama to auto-generate a list of aligned tasks you completed for the reflection step, you can do that from the "Automate" button in the bottom of the screen.
  • If you never want to write a reflection or share progress with teammates, you can click "Skip this step in the future" to dismiss it forever.


When I enter Weekly Review, am I reviewing this week or last week?

When entering the Weekly review on these days:

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday = You are reviewing the previous week

Thursday, Friday, Saturday = You are reviewing reviewing the current week